Haute Trash is a organization started to a) show people there are ways to recycling most people dont ever think of and b) to prove that if the world ran out of fabric, we would still find ways to look fabulous. This is the first show I have designed for and thanks to my gorgeous model, Caewyn, it was a great time and I hope to do many more!
While looking through some pictures online of Seattle festivals and other fun things, I came across this picture of a costume I made during the days of the Cirque de Flambe. It was taken during the Greenwood Seafair Parade. Photo credit belongs to Natalie Wilkie who was nice enough to let me use her photo in my blog.
I'm pretty sure this piece of fabric I bought at a yard sale for 10 cents was once a chair cover because it had some oddly placed holes in it. I think it serves its life purpose better as a dress. But then again, I never saw it on a kitchen chair...
Nicole, fun friend and fabulous toddler yoga teacher is now appropriately bustled to attend Honk Fest West this weekend. Another costume potential crisis averted.
The Moisture Festival has sadly just come to an end. Its my favorite time of year for many reasons, but one of the main ones is that each night is a chance for a new costume! Here are some of the costumes I've designed this year. Shout out to Sandy for letting me be her personal costumer!
Welcome to my new design blog. I am a Costume Designer as well as a Surface Designer as you will see from my postings. Everything I post (both costume and background artwork) is an orignal design - enjoy!